
I filed a patch for a Heap class to be integrated into the heapq module (in addition the the currently available functions). The main features are support for iteration and for the standard keyword arguments of sort() and sorted(): key, cmp, reverse.


I wrote it because I believe that it makes the API of that module much simpler for beginners and more consistent for general purpose use. Currently, it has a set of special purpose list functions that must be used in the right way to achieve what is needed. The main problems with these functions are:

1) They don't support heap iteration. This is contrary to the obvious paradigm shift Python did in the last years. Iteration is considered difficult to integrate into the current module as the list that the functions operate on is open to modification between heapq calls. A Heap class eliminates this problem. It can provide iteration in a consistent way, both for destructive iteration as for clone iteration.

2) They don't support sort arguments. They only support min heaps. Usage as max heaps needs special treatment of the list items, such as a wrapper class. I suspect such a class to be part of every Python programmer's personal tool box, which already makes a good case for better support in the stdlib. Also, beginners often do not have such a wrapper class and have to figure out how to write it or search for it (and must know what they have to search for). Again, a Heap class can easily support the standard keyword arguments as it wraps the heap list.

I hope for integration of the Heap class in the stdlib heap module, but I'd also like to hear a fruitful discussion on this list to get the patch ready for integration. I know, it currently misses documentation and tests, but I'm ready to add them once the patch is actually considered for integration.


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