
I am blessed with a *very* gifted nine-years old daughter for whom I
have recently installed an old GNU/Linux Mandrake 7.2 on an equally old
Pentium Pro box.  She is enjoying it tremendously and has no problems
understanding simple desktop operations and the file system basics
(Needless to say - she has already mastered the 30 or so games I
installed for her).

Now, I would like to teach her programming basics using Python (because
I believe it is best suited for this purpose and, yes, also because it
is my favorite language).  The only tutorial I have found so far is
"How to Think Like a Computer Scientist - Learning with Python" which,
while very good indeed, is geared towards adult newbie students.

Is there something out there like "Python for kids" which would explain
*basic* programming concepts in a way which is accessible and
entertaining for kids aged 10-14 (that about where her brain is right
now) and which would allow them to "play around" and have fun solving
small problems?

Many thanks in advance,


Let her mess around with it on her own. I'm 15 and have been using Python for 2-3 years and had nothing to really go on. Give her Dive Into Python or How to Think Like a Computer Scientist and let her ask questions if she needs help.

Lucas Raab
lvraab located at earthlink.net
dotpyFE located at gmail.com
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Yahoo:  Phoenix11890

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