On Jun 11, 3:06 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Printing dollar is a copyright violation
> ----------------------------------------------------
> I recently heard that the USA government or the unfederal reserve is
> printing dollars. Is this a copyright violation ?
> Is this also a theft ?
> Is there a scheme to print dollars in such a way to selectively
> deflate the dollars owned by non-US entities while unaffecting the
> wealth or wealth ratio of the native population ? Is there a scheme to
> give people the difference by this method ? Are there any grants or
> subsidies to implement this scheme/scam ?
> Lyman L. Lemnitzer
> Master schemer of Operation Northwoods
> please look at my favorite websites:http://iamthewitness.com
> Also look at
> Painful Deceptions by Alex Jones and Eric Hufschmidt.
> Do you know if war on terror was genuine, the anthrax mailer would
> have been caught first ?

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