On Jun 10, 1:05 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi everybody!
> I've been looking for a python library wich allows me to work with
> with DICOM files, for medical image processing. Finding nothing at
> first, evenctually i've find thegdcmlibrary, wich is suposed to be
> for c developement, but they say that you can use it with python, as
> "It is automatically wrapped to python (using swig)". So, the cuestion
> is: how can I use this kind of library, wich is suposed to be used
> with c, in python? When I download the tarball there ae only 2 .py
> files. shall I install the whole library for using in C, and then try
> to import thegdcmmodule in python? becouse i'm afraid it won't work.
> Thanks in advance, and sorry for my english, wich is not very good
> actually. Sorry for asking for something before trying everything, but
> i'm almost desperate to find a library like that.

You will get a tons more help directly at GDCM ML:


The process is quite simple, GDCM is written using a limited subset of
C++ (not C!) and using SWIG the API can be automagically wrap into
another target language (in your case: python).

If you download the binaries, you are all set (expect maybe adjusting

Anyway this is highly GDCM oriented, and we should continue this
discussion directly on the GDCM ML.


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