Michael Spencer wrote:
How about a category for executable limericks?
Here's one to get the ball rolling:
# voice only the alphanumeric tokens
from itertools import repeat
for feet in [3,3,2,2,3]:
print " ".join("DA-DA-DUM"
for dummy in [None]
for foot in repeat("metric", feet))
Brilliant! +10
My nomination to this one for originality,
perfect meter (unlike many others posted so
far), and best of all for the fact that
it is not only a limerick on two levels
(run it for real or mentally and read the
output aloud), but its topic is also
self-referentially about limericks.
P.S. I know 'three' doesn't rhyme.
That's allowed since you're distributing this
(may I presume?) under the Poetic License. ;-)