In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Timothy Smith
>>> hi there i need to set my locale so that when i output a number it's
>>> formatted with thousands grouped. [â]
>>  import locale
>>  locale
>>  locale.setlocale(LC_ALL, '')
>>  locale.format('%.2f', 1000000, True)
>>The `True` turns on grouping.  Should work cross platform.
> thats ok, but how do i get it to group thousands with a , ? and thats
> would mean i'd have to run everything through a formatter before i
> displayed it :/ it'd be nicer if i could just select a proper locale

It uses the locale of the system.  If *your* systems locale is configured
to use ',' as separator for grouping, then it should be used by

        Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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