Hi list,

First Hello to all, this is my and hope not end message to the list :P
This last months I have been writting a  program in c like to mod_python for
embedding python language, it's a middleware for dispatch and execute python
batch programs into several nodes. Now I'm writing some python program for
test how scale this into several nodes and comparing with "standalone"

I found a very strange problem with one application named md5challenge, this
aplication try to calculate the max number md5 digest in several seconds,
md5challenge use a simple signal alarm for stop program when time has
passed. This is the code of python script

def handler_alrm(signum, frame):
    global _signal
    global _nrdigest
    global _f

    _signal = True

def try_me():
    global _nrdigest
    global _f
    global _signal

    _f = open("/dev/urandom","r")
    while _signal is not True:
        buff = _f.read(_const_b)
        _nrdigest = _nrdigest + 1

    if _f is not None :

def main( req ):
    global _nrdigest

    signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler_alrm)


    req.output['count'] = _nrdigest

    return req.OK

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # test code
    class test_req:

    req = test_req()
    req.input = { 'time' : 10 }
    req.output = { 'ret' : 0, 'count' : 0 }
    req.OK = 1


    print "Reached %d digests" % req.output['count']

When I try to run this program in standalone into my Pentium Dual Core
md4challenge reached 1.000.000 milion keys in 10 seconds but when i try to
run this in embedded mode md5challenge reached about 200.000 more keys !!! I
repeat this test many times and  always  wins  embedded mode  !!!  What's
happen ?

Also I tested to erase read dependencies from /dev/random, and calculate all
keys from same buffer. In this case embedded mode win always also, and the
difference are more bigger !!!

Thks to all, can anybody help to me ?
Pau Freixes
Linux GNU/User

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