I have a string which I wish to match using RE, however when I run my
comparison (using the match method) on my machine it never returns,
using the CPU fully.

In your case it may be simpler to just split the string into groups. You don't even need regular expressions or a parser.

buff = r"#1 1 550 111 SYNC_PEER RES <YP>syncpeers=(id=54325432;add=10." \
"0.0.1;port=89;up=89),(id=97899;add=;port=543;up=543)," \

tran, sess, ndto, ndf, cmd, dirr, rest = buff.split()

eq = rest.find("=")
parmname = rest[0:eq]
parms = rest[eq+1:].split(",")

for parm in parms:
        parmitems = parm[1:-1].split(";")
        for item in parmitems:
                name, val = item.split("=")
                print name, val
        print "---"

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