Hoping I could get some help with a python question.

I want to be able to store the code for a single function in a .py file,
such as:

def test():
    print "Test"

>From within a Python script, I would like to be able to get a handler so I
can do something like:


I want to be able to store the handlers in a blob in a SQLite DB.
Essentially, I want to store a compiled version of a function. I have tried
using compile() and exec, and while it sort of works, it seems to import the
code into the global namespace. I can do:

x = compile(file.read(), "<x>", 'exec')
exec x

and it calls test, but I may have several functions with the same name, all
read from different files. So I need to be able to do handler.test().

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


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