On Sun, 25 May 2008 03:32:30 -0700 (PDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>Thanks for the reply,
>Of course the suggested solution is working and good, but a bit
>complicated. The module/function where i need to access the variable
>value from the interactive shell is burried quite deep and I would
>nedd to hand the locals() quite often from one module to another.
>Furthermore it makes the call function slightly more complicated, as
>the locals()-argunment has to be given every time.
>I was hoping for something a bit different: If I wanted to access a
>value b from another module "utest2.py", I would simply need to type
>in utest.py: import utest2; print 2*utest2.b
>Isn't there a name for the interactive namespace (like here the
>utest2), which I can use to access the variable without handing the
>whole dictionary?


import __main__

def doit():
  print 2*__main__.a


David C. Ullrich

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