davidj411 wrote:
When you save an open file to a variable, you can re-use that variable
for membership checking.
it does not seem to be that way with the csv.reader function, even
when set to a variable name.
what is the best way to store the open CSV file in memory or do i need
to open the file each time?
example of open method on file object:
>>> fhandle = open('c:/temp/08-02024.csv').readlines()
>>> type(fhandle)
<type 'list'>
>>> len(fhandle)
fhandle is a list containing the contents of the file, not a file handle
-- that's why you can easily re-use it.
example of csv.reader method:
reader = csv.reader(open(csvfilename))
Try this instead:
>>>reader = csv.reader(open('c:/temp/08-02024.csv'))
>>> contents = [line for line in reader]
>>> type(contents)
<type 'list'>
>>> len(contents)
You still get a list that you can easily use, that has gone through the
csv routines.
Hope this helps.