On Mon, 19 May 2008 14:48:03 +0200, pataphor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Mon, 19 May 2008 06:29:18 -0500 >David C. Ullrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >> Maybe you could be more specific? Various "positions" I've >> taken in all this may well be untenable, but I can't think >> of any that have anything to do with whether the data should >> be a single list instead of a list of lists. > >What's 'untenable' (hey, I tried to get away with a smiley, remember) Perhaps I should say that I was in no mood for smileys yesterday morning: I hadn't eaten in 24 hours, hadn't had any water in 12 hours, and was anticipating an unpleasane instance of what my doctor likes to call a "procedure" coming up in a few hours. (Yes, everything went fine, thanks for asking - today all is sweetness and light again.) >is that a matrix is a list of rows. Suppose you do the transpose trick >with the zip(*M) routine, now it's a list of columns. Both views are >equal, there is no getting around the fact that you're holding an >unnatural predisposition towards seeing the matrix as a list of rows, >which it is most definitely not ... Well, ok. Like I said, I never _took_ the position that it _should_ be a list of lists, I just said I didn't see the advantage to using a single list. Yes, the asummetry in my setup might be regarded as an aesthetic flaw. But that doesn't mean it doesn't work right, and in any case _I_ regard it as a _feature_: rows and columns look the same to the user even though they're very different under the hood. Although they're going to look the same, in the applications I have in mind I expect that row operations will be more frequent than column operations, so if we _were_ going to worry about optimizing things optimizing row access might be reasonable. >I was holding the brakes for this argument because I realize it's >intuitive and also because Gabriel seems to want a list stay a list if >he assigns something a list. But that's untenable too. Suppose you >assign a column to a list? The list is torn to shreds and placed over >multiple rows. His desire here makes a lot more sense to me than it seemed to at first, when he pointed out the problems with "arow = m.row[0] = []". But this is a good point; if we have rows _and_ columns then it seems like he really can't have it his way. Today's little joke: Long ago I would have solved this by storing the data as a list of rows and _also_ a list of columns, updating each one any time the other changed. Just goes to show you things could always be worse... >> (The only way I can parse this to make it relevant is to >> assume that the position you're referring to is that a >> list of lists is better than a single list. If so: First, I >> haven't said that it was. Second, saying "B is untenable" >> is not much of an answer when someone asks why you >> say A is better than B.) > >Yes, it was not much of an answer but I was afraid of ending up in >this quagmire. I now see that it is unavoidable anyway if I want to >explain myself. Why couldn't you just see it the same way as me and >leave it at that without waking up all the creatures of hell :-) Sorry. >> >And to address an >> >item in a matrix costs two lookups, row and column, while an array >> >needs only one. >> >> The phrase "premature optimization" springs to mind. > >Well, I really liked your slicing idea ... > >> This is _Python_ we're talking about. Supposing you're right that >> doing two lookups _in Python_ is faster than doing one lookup >> plus the calculuation col + row*width _in Python_, it can't >> make enough difference to matter. In the sort of application I >> have in mind things already happen "instantaneously". > >The computation is almost certainly faster. Lookups are expensive. I know one thing about Python: I don't know exactly how it works, and hence it's very difficult to be certain about such things without actually testing them. Which is not to say you're not right. >However I concede the point because we're not supposed to worry about >such stuff. But it *is* a simpler format. No wait, I know _two_ things about Python: (i) [repeat above] (ii) we're supposed to worry about such things _after_ determining that this particular such thing is actually the bottleneck. It seems incredibly unlikely that this detail is going to have any significance at all in the final product. >> The point is not to improve on NumPy. Trying to improve on >> NumPy in pure Python code would be silly - if I wanted >> optimized large matrices I'd _use_ NumPy. The point is just >> to give a simple "intuitive" way to manipulate rows and >> columns in small matrices. > >Yes, me too. This is all about intuition. > >> So I'm not looking ahead to the future, things are not >> scalable? The thing is not _supposed_ to scale up to >> large matricies. If a person were dealing with large >> matricies then almost all of it would need to be >> rewritten (and if a person were dealing with really >> large matrices then trying to do the thing in pure >> Python would be silly in the first place, and insisting >> on being able to write things like "m.row[0] = >> m.row[1] + m.row[2]" could very well be a totally >> wrong approach to begin with - I'd figure out the >> operations I expected to need to do and write functions >> to do them.) > >The reason why I am interested in this is that since I was writing >sudoku algorithms some time ago I have been looking for ways to interact >with data according to different views. I want the data to update even >when I have made changes to them according to another view. In my case >things are even more complex than they are with matrices because I >tend to view sudoku as subcases of binary cubes. Imagine a 3d 9*9*9 >chessboard and try to place 81 non-threatening rooks in it. This is not >quite a solution to a sudoku but every sudoku is also a solution to this >problem. > >One of the solution strategies I thought of was forgetting about the 3d >binary cube's content at all, and just update row, column and file >totals (I start with a 'filled' cube and wipe away fields that are >covered by the 'rooks') to drive the optimization. Somehow this seems >possible even though I do not use the cube itself anymore. It just >exists as a figment of my imagination but still it defines the context. > >I hope you understand how this was driving me crazy and why I would be >more than happy to return to a safe and sound, actually 'existing' cube, >if only there was a way to access rows, columns and files (for example >sum their elements) as shared data. In the end I realized that >everything I was doing was an abstraction anyway and if that is the >case why not use the simplest possible representation for the data and >let any matrices, rows, columns, files, cubes and so on exist somewhere >higher up in the levels of abstraction of the code. Yes, that's interesting and explains why you found the current discussion interesting. >> Really. In one of the intended applications the matrix >> entries are going to be home-made Rationals. Just >> adding two of those guys takes a long time. It's >> still more than fast enough for the intended application, >> but [oh, never mind. > >Too late :-) > >> Sorry about the argumentative tone - I _would_ like >> to know which "untenable position" you're referring to... > >No, it's no problem. Thanks again for bringing this up. Once I overcame >my initial resistance to bringing up all this old (for me) issues I was >more than happy to share intuitions. I hope this somehow results in a >shared data type. Even just a matrix_with_a_view would be very nice. Expressing interest is a big mistake... My current Matrix is broken (thanks again, Gabriel). And no, come to think of it, as he points out there's really no reason descriptots should be involved. Sometime soon a thread will appear titled something like "indexed attributes" with a stripped-down but functional example of what I have in mind for Matrix (including enough complication to illustrate why the way I'm doing seems to _me_ to be simpler than alternatives that have been suggested). >P. David C. Ullrich -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list