I am just getting into python, and know little about it, and am posting to ask on what beaches the salt water crocodiles hang out.
1. Looks to me that python will not scale to very large programs, partly because of the lack of static typing, but mostly because there is no distinction between creating a new variable and utilizing an existing variable, so the interpreter fails to catch typos and name collisions. I am inclined to suspect that when a successful small python program turns into a large python program, it rapidly reaches ninety percent complete, and remains ninety percent complete forever. 2. It is not clear to me how a python web application scales. Python is inherently single threaded, so one will need lots of python processes on lots of computers, with the database software handling parallel accesses to the same or related data. One could organize it as one python program for each url, and one python process for each http request, but that involves a lot of overhead starting up and shutting down python processes. Or one could organize it as one python program for each url, but if one gets a lot of http requests for one url, a small number of python processes will each sequentially handle a large number of those requests. What I am really asking is: Are there python web frameworks that scale with hardware and how do they handle scaling? Please don't read this as "Python sucks, everyone should program in machine language expressed as binary numbers". I am just asking where the problems are. -- ---------------------- We have the right to defend ourselves and our property, because of the kind of animals that we are. True law derives from this right, not from the arbitrary power of the omnipotent state. http://www.jim.com/ James A. Donald -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list