Florian Lindner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I've a scripts that allows limited manipulation of a database to users. This
> script of course needs to save a password for the database connection. The
> users, on the other hand need read permission on the script in order to
> execute it but should not be able to read out the password.
> What is the common way to solve this problem?
> My current way is to allow the users to execute the script with sudo while
> not having read permission when acting as a ordinary user. But I don't like
> this solutions and consider it very ugly.

There's not a one-size-fits-all answer.  A bunch of possibilities:

- Just have execute permission on the script, not read permission

- If the database server and client are running on the same machine,
use a unix-domain socket instead of a tcp socket, and modify the
server to check that only a specific uid is running the client (you
can do this check with an ancillary message on the socket).  Then use
sudo to get the client to run as that user.  You can then leave read
permission enabled on the script.

- sort of similar: have a separate process running that knows the
password (administrator enters it at startup time).  That process
listens on a unix socket and checks the ID of the client.  It reveals
the password to authorized clients, i.e. your readable script running
under sudo.  This keeps the password from ever being stored on disk.

- Modify the script itself to run as a long-running service instead of
as something that gets started and restarted all the time.  Have an
admin start it and type the password into it at startup time.  Users
then connect to it (maybe with a web browser) and send it commands.

- Move the user operations from the script to server side database
procedures that do their own validity checking.  Then you don't need a

- Run the script on a machine where users can't run arbitrary programs
other than the script.  Set up the db server to not accept any
connections other than from that machine.

Etc. etc., you get the idea.

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