On May 18, 5:20�pm, John Salerno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey all. Just thought I'd ask a general question for my own interest. Every 
> time I think of something I might do in Python, it usually involves creating 
> a GUI interface, so I was wondering what kind of work you all do with Python 
> that does *not* involve any GUI work. This could be any little scripts you 
> write for your own benefit, or what you do at work, if you feel like talking 
> about that! :)
> Thanks.

Odd, I've been using Python since ver 2.2 and I've
NEVER needed a GUI. I do things like (looking at the
last 6 months of my Python directory):

- how to scrape movie receipt data from IMDB
  and insert them into an MS-Access database

- how to scrape .jpgs from a web page (simple
  file transfer, no display needed)

- how to do a Cartesian Product in SQLlite3

- how to creat a polynomial from a sequence of
  numbers using Newton's Forward Differences method

- how to calculate the date of Easter

- how to construct arbitrary length cycles in the
  Collatz Conjecture

- how to find the Ultimate Cycle (also in Collatz

- efficient cycle detection comparing Brent's and
  Sedgewick's cycle detection algorithms

- finding the cycles of 3n+C systems

- partioning W marbles into D ordered bins with
  the constraint that each bin contain a minimum of 1

- partioning W marbles into D ordered bins with
  the constraint that each bin contain a minimum of 1
  and that no bin exceeds M

- a Python Cartesian Product that in addition to
  Permutaions with Replacement, also gives the subsets
  Permutations without Replacement, Combinations with
  Replacement and Combinations without Replacement

- demonstrating the fallacy of Peter Scorer's "proof"
  of the Collatz Conjecture

- demonstrating the fallacy of Alan Tyte's "proof" of
  the Collatz Conjecture

- demonstrating the fallacy of Ken Conrow's "proof" of
  the Collatz Conjecture

- how to identify which members of the infinite solutions
  to a given Sequnce Vector of a 3n+C system are located
  on the trivial graph component

- developing a novel factoring algorithm based on the
  Collatz Conjecture

I see no need for GUI in any of these applications.


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