On May 16, 10:58 am, "inhahe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not an expert in this but what does it mean to emphasize state?  It
> seems the opposite of that would be a) functional programming, and b)
> passing parameters instead of using global or relatively local variables.
> And maybe c) coroutines (generators as implemented in Python), although
> perhaps coroutines could be said to emphasize state inasmuch as they go out
> of their way to capture, objectify and reuse it (Stackless' microthreads,
> even moreso).  And Python seems to be well-noted for implementing some
> functional programming methodology, and as for passing parameters it's just
> as object-oriented as the rest of them.
> But as I said, I'm not an expert, so let me know if I've gone astray..
> > I have a proposition to ask you all: Python emphasizes state.  Is it
> > true?- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

What advantages do teams have? in what? over who? when?  If they have
any use at all,
what language is good for them?  How do programming teams interact?
It sounds fun.  I'm not sure I want to get work done so much as talk,
but programming is fun.

I'd start to discuss state property in appertanance to city property.
What are some properties of the state?

You would have to introduce a computer to a (finite?) way of
expressing language, provided it *expresses* at rates over time that
do not exceed its input (impression), and limited by the complexity
bound of the architecture.  Tangent: architecture complexity.

In order to recreate 'propositional knowledge', you have to tell it.
Accumulating could amount to hashing video feed over time.  What do
you know about what's on the screen?  Naturally, as symbols are
logical, the video would have to be of something you want from it,
even if it's high spirits.

I am less concerned about the audio, but maybe video is just one way
of learning.  What information do the mic inputs convey from a spoken
voice?  (And how do you summarize that?)

And what results are on video summaries are there so far?  I would
start with difference primitives on video.  How does the same work for

Of course, human understanding may come across the difference in form
of artifacts of hardware, but of course, the crossing operation is non-
trivial to perform, audio and video.  I'm not mentioning smell because
crossing it sounds risky.  Whaddya know.

Now creation and recreation *decompose* into creation and time, spec.
real iteration., but where I'm from, creation and time are known to
cross means; if I have inferred correctly so far, you want a computer
to recreate.  If so, you want creation in act to tell a story.  I
think it's more fun to make them up than tell computers, and if we're
by them, can we tell a story on a newsgroup?  Who understands best in
the cross-sum of { Newsgroup, Newsgroup + task, Computer }?  Who wants
to define cross-sum?

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