Suppose I have a function in module X that calls eval e.g, _______ Def foo(bar): Eval(bar) _______
Now eval will be called using the default eval(bar,globals(),locals()) and globals will pull in anything in module X. Now I have module Y that calls bar like so ________ from x import * def biz(): print "Im a silly example!" Foo("biz()") _______ Python will complain that it cannot find biz because it's not the X module. My question - is there any way to a) get a listing of active namespaes search ALL active namespaces for a particular variable b) get the namespace of the caller withing passing it in (here, Y) c) do anything else to get biz without passing foo("biz()",locals(),globals()) or hacking biz into the __builtin__ namespace(don't know if it's even possible, but it defeats the purpose of what I'm trying to do) ? I realize this is here for a reason, but I'm working on something that's kind of a hack already Thanks dave More gratuitous context. Long story I'm trying to write a hack for a concise way of adding arbitrary methods to objects for JPA/JQuery like chaning eg. def foo(self): class wrap: def __init__(self, obj, globalz=globals(),localz= locals()): self.obj = obj self.localz = localz; self.globalz = globalz; def __callback__(self, *args, **kw): newargs = [self.obj]; newargs.extend(args); print locals ret = eval(, self.globalz, self.localz) (*newargs,**kw); return wrap(ret); def __getattr__(self,name): if hasattr(self.obj,name): return getattr(self.obj,name); = name; return self.__callback__; --