Gabriel Genellina wrote:

En Mon, 05 May 2008 15:56:26 -0300, Ethan Furman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

I tried adding a form to our website for uploading large files.
Personally, I dislike the forms that tell you you did something wrong
and make you re-enter *all* your data again, so this one cycles and
remembers your answers, and only prompts for the file once the rest of
the entered data is good.  However, the first time the form loads it can
take up to 30 seconds... any ideas why?

Hard to tell without looking at the code... And what has cgitb to do with this?
Hmmmm... excellent question, and the answer is -- Nothing. My apologies. I'm importing cgi (cgitb was while I was debugging it), as well as a bunch of others.

Here's the source, with a bunch of the actual html stripped out. The -u as well as the last two lines were an attempt to eliminate the 30-second pause while it loads, as it seems to get all data transferred, then just waits for a while. Any ideas appreciated. My apologies for the ugly code.

#!/usr/local/bin/python -u

import cgi
#import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
import smtplib
import mimetypes
import os
import sys
from email.Encoders import encode_base64
from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart

HEADER = """Content-type: text/html\n
FOOTER = """

REQUIRED = '<br><i>*required</i>'
form = cgi.FieldStorage()

clientname = clientemail = clientcsr = subject = body = ""
csrs = {"frank":{'html':'selected="yes"', 'name':'<name removed>', 'email':'<email removed>'}, \ "kathy":{'html':'', 'name':'<name removed>', 'email':'<email removed>'}, \ "chris":{'html':'', 'name':'<name removed>', 'email':'<email removed>'}, \ "tracy":{'html':'', 'name':'<name removed>', 'email':'<email removed>'}, \ "susi": {'html':'', 'name':'<name removed>', 'email':'<email removed>'}, \ "bill": {'html':'', 'name':'<name removed>', 'email':'<email removed>'}}
incomplete = False
files = []
filelist = []

if form:
  if form.has_key("name"):
      clientname = form["name"].value
  if form.has_key("email"):
      clientemail = form["email"].value
  if form.has_key("CSR"):
      clientcsr = form["CSR"].value
csrs["frank"]['html'] = '' # clear default
      csrs[clientcsr]['html'] = 'selected="yes"'
  if form.has_key("subject"):
      subject = form["subject"].value
  if form.has_key("body"):
      body = form["body"].value
  incomplete = not (clientname and clientemail and clientcsr and subject)
    if form.has_key("file1"):
      file1 = form["file1"]
      if file1.filename:
          files.append(file1.filename + "<br>")
  if form.has_key("file2"):
      file2 = form["file2"]
      if file2.filename:
          files.append(file2.filename + "<br>")
  if form.has_key("file3"):
      file3 = form["file3"]
      if file3.filename:
          files.append(file3.filename + "<br>")
  if form.has_key("file4"):
      file4 = form["file4"]
      if file4.filename:
          files.append(file4.filename + "<br>")
  if form.has_key("file5"):
      file5 = form["file5"]
      if file5.filename:
          files.append(file5.filename + "<br>")
     def csrform():
  cn_present = ''
  ce_present = ''
  sb_present = ''

  if incomplete:
      if not clientname:
          cn_present = REQUIRED
      if not clientemail:
          ce_present = REQUIRED
      if not subject:
          sb_present = REQUIRED
            print """
     <html snipped>
<form action="/cgi-bin/" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
Please fill in your name, e-mail address, subject, and select your CSR. You will then be able to upload files on the next screen. Any additional notes may go in the Message field.
                      <br /></p>
                      <table border="0">
  print """
<tr><td>Your name</td><td><input type="text" size="40" maxlength="50" name="name" value="%s">%s</td></tr>""" \
                              % (clientname, cn_present)
  print """
<tr><td>Your e-mail</td><td><input type="text" size="40" maxlength="100" name="email" value="%s">%s</td></tr>""" \
                              % (clientemail, ce_present)
  print """
<tr><td>Subject line</td><td><input type="text" size="40" maxlength="100" name="subject" value="%s">%s</td></tr>""" \
                              % (subject, sb_present)
  print """
                      <tr><td>Your CSR</td><td><select name="CSR">
                      <option %s value="frank">Frank</option>
                      <option %s value="kathy">Kathy</option>
                      <option %s value="chris">Chris</option>
                      <option %s value="tracy">Tracy</option>
                      <option %s value="susi">Susi</option>
                      <option %s value="bill">Bill</option>
                      </select></td></tr>""" \
% (csrs["frank"]['html'], csrs["kathy"]['html'], csrs["chris"]['html'], csrs["tracy"]['html'], csrs["susi"]['html'], csrs["bill"]['html'])
  print """
      <html snipped>""" % (body)
 def uploadform():
      msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg['To'] = "%s <%s>" % (csrs[clientcsr]['name'], csrs[clientcsr]['email']) msg['From'] = "Ad-Mail Upload Manager for %s <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" % (clientname, )
      msg['Reply-to'] = clientemail
      msg['Subject'] = subject
      for file in filelist:
          attachment = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream')
attachment.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=os.path.split(file.filename)[1])
      smtp = smtplib.SMTP()
smtp.sendmail('Ad-Mail Upload Manager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>', csrs[clientcsr]['email'], msg.as_string())
      print "<H1>Unknown error.  Please try again later.</H1>"
      smtp = smtp
if not (form and clientname and clientemail and clientcsr):
  print HEADER
  print FOOTER

elif files:
  print HEADER
  print FILESRECEIVED % (' '.join(files), csrs[clientcsr]['name'])
  print FOOTER
  print HEADER
print SELECTFILES % (clientname, clientemail, subject, clientcsr, body, clientname.split()[0], csrs[clientcsr]['name'].split()[0])
  print FOOTER


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