Iain King wrote:

> I'm manipulating an MS Access db via ADODB with win32com.client.  I
> want to rename a field within a table, but I don't know how to.  I
> assume there is a line of SQL which will do it, but nothing I've tried
> (from searching) has worked.
> Basic code:
> import win32com.client
> connection = win32com.client.Dispatch(r'ADODB.Connection')
> DSN = 'PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=dbfile.mdb;'
> connection.Open(DSN)
> connection.Execute("ALTER TABLE tablename CHANGE from to")   #this sql
> doesn't work
> connection.Close()
> Anyone know how to get this to work?

I don't think Access supports SQL on the DDL-side. Try looking into the
Access COM-Api, maybe you can get a reference to the table and modify it.


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