thanks for the tips, pam limits and are both
interesting tracks.

2008/5/12 Matt Nordhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> ivo talvet wrote:
>  > Hello,
>  >
>  > Is it possible to have a python which not handle the execution of
>  > "while", "for", and other loop statements ? I would like to allow
>  > remote execution of python on a public irc channel, so i'm looking for
>  > techniques which would do so people won't be able to crash my computer
>  > (while 1: os.fork(1)), or at least won't won't freeze my python in a
>  > infinite loop, make it unresponsive. Is there a compiling option (or
>  > better, something i can get with apt-get cos i think compiling myself
>  > and handle all the metastuff myself is somehow dirty) for have a
>  > "secure python" (you can guess what i mean by "secure" in my case) or
>  > must i touch myself the source disable some code lines ? If last
>  > solution, which modifications in which files should i do ? (sorry for
>  > my bad english)
>  >
>  > Thanks.
>  >
>  > Ivo
>  <> is a pastebin-like website that lets people upload
>  code in a dozen different languages, and it runs it. They have info up
>  about how it's secure at <>.
>  I'm pretty sure there's another similar website that's specific to
>  Python, but I can't remember it. Anyway, it was similar, using virtual
>  machines, a firewall, and killing stuff that ran for longer than 20
>  seconds, IIRC.
>  (Thanks for the link to codepad, habnabit.)
>  --

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