On 2008-05-11, Max M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have two another interesting things to discuss about, for
>> which I'll open new posts on this group. Look for "Python
>> doesn't recognize quote types" and "Python, are you ill?".
> You have a tendency to form your questions as complaints about
> Python being broken.
> You will probably get better responses if you just state that
> there are things you do not understand, and ask why it works
> that way.

The OP has already been banned from the wxWidgets IRC and the
wxPython mailing list.  His MO is to post a never ending stream
of whining, flame-bait, and demands that wxWidgets, wxPython,
(or whatever) be changed to suit his tastes regardless of the
justification for the current design and the amount of breakage
it would cause. wxPythoner (AKA "Chester) also seemed fond of
constantly giving wrong/misleading answers when other
inexperienced users asked technical questions.

He especially liked to post messages with subjects like "To
Rogin Dunn" and "To wxPython Developers" mailing list
instructing them to change various things in wxWidgets,
wxPython, and Python.  He consistently ignored pointers to
documentation and explanations of why things were done the way
they were.  

On top of all that, his fowl language and insulting attitude
finally got him banned:


So it's best to probably just ignore him...

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  LBJ, LBJ, how many
                                  at               JOKES did you tell today??!

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