Kenneth McDonald wrote:
Any guesses as to how many people are still using Tkinter? And can anyone direct me to good, current docs for Tkinter?


I develop Tk applications commercially on Mac OS X, using Tcl and Python. Here's a screenshot of my Python app:

This app is built on Python 2.5.1 and Tk 8.5.0. Tk 8.5 has a huge number of improvements over older versions of Tk:

Most importantly, Tk 8.5 has a themed widget set that allows for platform-native appearance on Windows and Mac (not emulated, but hooking into system API's). The themed widget set also adds a lot of new widgets, such as combobox, tree, and others. The older widget set is still available as well and they can be freely matched. Tk also has a lot of lightweight, script-level widget libraries that can also enhance the appearance and usability of your app.

My own app uses widgets from Tk's traditional set, the new Tile/ttk set, the Tabelist widget, and the BWidget widget library. It uses the following Python wrappers for these widgets:

It also uses a few private wrappers/custom widgets.

In addition to the Python-specifc resources that others have provided, here's a new site that documents the latest-and-greatest Tk techniques, including Tile/ttk:

The developer of this site is mainly interest in Tcl and Ruby, so examples of those are provided--I may provide some Python examples at some point. But there should be enough code snippets there for you to get started, especially if you already have some experience with Tk/Tkinter.

Tk still has some limitations, including a lack of cross-platform printing support (the canvas widget generates postscript, but that's not enough anymore) and an incomplete cross-platform drag-and-drop mechanism (works fine on Windows, it's buggy on *NIx because Xdnd is so inconsistent, and it was never developed for OS X). If you absolutely need these features, look at wxPython or PyQt. But coming to Python from a Tcl background, I'm very comfortable with Tk--it is lightweight, extremely flexible, and (as I hope you can see from my screenshot) it's possible to do sophisticated user interfaces with it. It fits my brain much better than wxPython, for instance. And the long effort by Tk's developers to modernize its appearance has finally paid off, I think.

Hope that helps,

Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

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