On May 9, 10:48 am, Paul Rubin <http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a dictionary of which i'm itervalues'ing through, and i'll be
performing some logic on a particular iteration when a condition is
met with trusty .startswith('foo').  I need to grab the previous
iteration if this condition is met.  I can do something with an extra
var to hold every iteration while iterating, but this is hacky and not
You cannot rely on the elements of a dictionary being in any
particular order (dicts are internally hash tables), so the above
is almost certainly ont what you want.

Hi - thanks for your reply.  How about if I made the dict into a list
which I have done).  How would I then reference the previous item?
Can they
be indexed?

listOfItems = DICT.items()
for i in range(len(listOfItems)):
   k,v = listOfItems[i] # Current key,value pair
   if whatever:
       kPrev,vPrev = listOfItems[i-1]   # Previous key,value pair

Still, since there is no proscribed order in which the items are placed into the list, I wonder how this can be useful. However, this *does* do what you asked.

Gary Herron


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