On 2008-05-08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am running Fedora Linux and KDE, using the Konsole command line.

I also run python from Konsole.  

> When coding Python, I regularly make a bug causing my program to not
> terminate. But how do I kill the non-terminating Python interpreter
> without killing the entire Konsole?

Are you refering to the python editor?  If so, try cntrl-d.

> The default way of killing the current process on the command line is
> Ctrl+C, but that doesn't work with Python. Neither do the "terminate
> task", "suspend task" or "interrupt task" commands (available from
> right-click in Konsole).

If you want to completely kill python, open another Konsole session and kill
it from there.  There are several ways.  The simplist is:

killall python

....which will kill python without killing the Konsole session.

This will find the python pid number and kill it with -15 which cleans
everything up nicely before killing.  If that doesn't work, you may need to
use kill -9, which is kill with extreme prejudice and leaves all the bodies
lying around to crap up the works.  To do that, try:

ps aux | grep python

.....which will give you the pid number and then you plug it into:

kill -9 pid_number

If all that doesn't work, change to Slackware!  ;)


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