"Méta-MCI (MVP)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi!
> print become a function ; OK
> I thought: and why the affection (=) would not become, also, a function?
> Examples:
>        a = 123                            return 123
>        b,c = 543.21, "LOL"        return  (543.21, "LOL")

Do you mean a = 3 would become an *expression* ?

For one thing, it wouldn't fit with the Python's function call syntax:

    f(4, x=2)

currently means that f is called with first positional argument equal
to 4 and named argument 'x' equal to 2.

Moreover, it seems to me utterly unpythonic (and I don't often feel
like using this word!).  Binding a name to a new value is something
that needs to be clearly visible in the code flow, not hidden within
an expression


    f(3, 4 + (x=2), 5)

has the side-effect that x is now bound to 2, but it is only apparent
if one closely scrutinises the code.


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