Mike Driscoll ha scritto:
On May 7, 6:12 am, pistacchio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hi! i'm a php user and a python programmer. i'd love to use python for
my server side needs but i can't seem to find what i'm looking for. for
most of my php work i use mysql and tinyButStrong
(http://www.tinybutstrong.com) which is a very lightweight template
engine that offers powerful functionalities. you insert TBS tags in web
pages like:
<div align="center" class="title-page"> [var.x] </div>
and it replaces [var.x] with the value of global variable x. it also
makes blocks (and nested blocks) easy to implement:
<p class="text-example2"> [blk1;block=begin] [blk1.val]<br>
[blk1;block=end] </p>
in the previous code it cycles throu all the values of the array blk1.
it does many more things, like htlm escaping, url and js encoding etc,
conditional displaying etc, but it is not more confusing that inserting
pieces of code into the HTML (aka: littering the code and kissing
goodbye to the code/presentation separation). it comes in the form of a
single file with a single class that you can easily include in the code
and go.
now, i've searched the net and it seems full of python-based frameworks
for doing server side scripting and templating, but none that suits my
1. i like writing code and i like control. i mean, open up the
simplest text editor and write in it. i don't want something that is
command-line driven or that writes code for me like ">>>
2. i want something very lightweight. i don't want dozen of options,
pre-made blogging parts ecc. i just need a good non invasive template
engine and the basic functions for server side scripting, like session
managing, request parsing, functions to manipulate html code (encodings etc)
3. i don't want to beg my hosting provider to install the libraries.
a simple include file should do the work.
4. object oriented programming is not required (better: i prefer
plain old procedural programming).
any help? thanks in advance
hi, thanks for replaying
Did you look at TurboGears or Django? TG uses Kid in the 1.x series
and Genshi in 2.x (I think) for templating purposes. There's also
Cheetah, one of the more powerful Python templating engines out there.
django is exacly the kind of giant i'm trying to avoid
the first lines of the tutorial read:
"First, make sure you have CherryPy 3.0.x installed"
Now, cherrypy is something that is not properly "include a file and get
kid seems to have a non-linear approach, but i may give it a try
cheetah was something that i already considered using. have i to
"install" it or can i just import it?
same problem as with django!
Maybe those links will get you going.