On May 6, 10:44 am, jmDesktop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Studying OOP and noticed that Python does not have Interfaces.  Is
> that correct?  Is my schooling for nought on these OOP concepts if I
> use Python.  Am I losing something if I don't use the "typical" oop
> constructs found in other languages (Java, C# come to mind.)  I'm
> afraid that if I never use them I'll lose them and when I need them
> for something beside Python, I'll be lost.  Thank you.

 Python supports interfaces. In the example below, "Vehicle" is an

class Vehicle:
     def drive(self, count): raise Exception("I'm only an
interface... :-(")
     def number_of_wheels(self): return 0
     def fly(self): pass

class Car(Vehicle):
     def drive(self, count): print "The car walked %d steps" % count
     def number_of_wheels(self): return 4

 As you can see, there are a couple of ways you can tell others
"Vehicle" is an interface, like raising exceptions, returning useless
values or doing nothing. You could also raise an exception in


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