George Sakkis wrote: > > -1 form me. > > > > I'm not very glad with both of them ( not a naming issue ) because i > > think that the dict type should offer only methods that apply to each > > dict whatever it contains. count() specializes to dict values that are > > addable and appendlist to those that are extendable. Why not > > subtractable, dividable or right-shiftable? Because of majority > > approval? I'm mot a speed fetishist and destroying the clarity of a > > very fundamental data structure for speedup rather arbitrary > > accumulations seems to be a bad idea. I would move this stuff in a > > subclass. > > > > Regards Kay
> +1 on this. The new suggested operations are meaningful for a subset of all > valid dicts, so they > should not be part of the base dict API. If any version of this is approved, > it will clearly be an > application of the "practicality beats purity" zen rule, and the > justification for applying it in > this case instead of subclassing should better be pretty strong; so far I'm > not convinced though. > > George It is bad OO design, George. I want to be a bit more become more specific on this and provide an example: Let be <intdict> a custom subclass of dict that stores only ints as keys as well as values: class intdict(dict): def __setitem__(self, key, value): assert isinstance(key, int) and isinstance(value, int) dict.__setitem__(self,key,value) or in Python3000 typeguard fashion: class intdict(dict): def __setitem__(self, key:int, value:int): dict.__setitem__(self,key,value) But <intdict> still overloads appendlist() i.e. a method that does not work for any intdict is still part of it's public interface! This is really bad design and should not be justified by a "practicality beats purity" wisdom which should be cited with much care but not carelesness. Maybe also the subclassing idea I introduced falls for short for the same reasons. Adding an accumulator to a dict should be implemented as a *decorator* pattern in the GoF meaning of the word i.e. adding an interface to some object at runtime that provides special facilities. Usage: >>> d = intdict(extend=MyAccumulator) >>> hasattr(d,"tally") True >>> hasattr(d,"appendlist") False This could be generalized to other fundamental data structures as well. Regards Kay --