Alexander Schmolck wrote:
"Raymond Hettinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

The rationale is to replace the awkward and slow existing idioms for dictionary
based accumulation:

   d[key] = d.get(key, 0) + qty
   d.setdefault(key, []).extend(values)

Indeed not too readable. The try..except version is better but is too verbose. There is a simple concept underneath of assuming a default value and we need "one obvious" way to write it.

In simplest form, those two statements would now be coded more readably as:

  d.appendlist(key, value)


-1 from me too on these two methods because they only add "duct tape" for the problem instead of solving it. We need to improve upon `dict.setdefault()`, not specialize it.

The relatively recent "improvement" of the dict constructor signature
(``dict(foo=bar,...)``) obviously makes it impossible to just extend the
constructor to ``dict(default=...)`` (or anything else for that matter) which
would seem much less ad hoc. But why not use a classmethod (e.g.
``d=dict.withdefault(0)``) then?

You mean giving a dictionary a default value at creation time, right?

Such a dictionary could be used very easily, as in <gasp>Perl::

    foreach $word ( @words ) {
        $d{$word}++;         # default of 0 assumed, simple code!

</gasp>.  You would like to write::

    d = dict.withdefault(0)  # or something
    for word in words:
        d[word] += 1         # again, simple code!

I agree that it's a good idea but I'm not sure the default should be specified at creation time. The problem with that is that if you pass such a dictionary into an unsuspecting function, it will not behave like a normal dictionary. Also, this will go awry if the default is a mutable object, like ``[]`` - you must create a new one at every access (or introduce a rule that the object is copied every time, which I dislike). And there are cases where in different points in the code operating on the same dictionary you need different default values.

So perhaps specifying the default at every point of use by creating a proxy is cleaner::

    d = {}
    for word in words:
        d.withdefault(0)[word] += 1

Of course, you can always create the proxy once and still pass it into an unsuspecting function when that is actually what you mean.

How should a dictionary with a default value behave (wheter inherently or a proxy)?

- ``d.__getattr__(key)`` never raises KeyError for missing keys - instead it
  returns the default value and stores the value as `d.setdefult()` does.
  This is needed for make code like::


  to work - there is no call of `d.__setattr__()`, so `d.__getattr__()` must
  have stored it.

  - `d.__setattr__()` and `d.__delattr__()` behave normally.

- Should ``key in d`` return True for all keys?  It is desiarable to have
  *some* way to know whether a key is really present.  But if it returns False
  for missing keys, code that checks ``key in d`` will behave differently from
  normally equivallent code that uses try..except.  If we use the proxy
  interface, we can always check on the original dictionary object, which
  removes the problem.

  - ``d.has_key(key)`` must do whatever we decide ``key in d`` does.

- What should ``d.get(key, [default])`` and ``d.setdefault(key, default)``
  do?  There is a conflict between the default of `d` and the explicitly given
  default.  I think consistency is better and these should pretend that `key`
  is always present.  But either way, there is a subtle problem here.

- Of course `iter(d)`, `d.items()` and the like should only see the keys
  that are really present (the alternative inventing an infinite amount of
  items out of the blue is clearly bogus).

If the idea that the default should be specified in every operation (creating a proxy) is accepted, there is a simpler and more fool-proof solution: the ptoxy will not support anything except `__getitem__()` and `__setitem__()` at all. Use the original dictionary for everything else. This prevents subtle ambiguities.

Or, for the first and most common case, just a bag type?

Too specialized IMHO. You want a dictionary with any default anyway. If you have that, what will be the benefit of a bag type?


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