On Sat, 03 May 2008 15:25:35 -0700, darkblueB wrote:

> I got the Python Imaging Library from source, built and installed, on
> Ubuntu 7.10, not realizing I could run a self-test first. libjpeg is on
> the machine, but was not detected.. so no JPG encoder. I got the
> dev-libjpg and rebuilt PIL. The self-test now shows JPG support.
> but running setup.py install again seems to succeed, but still no JPG
> :-(
> fix ideas appreciated

Make sure that libjpeg62-dev is installed
'sudo apt-get install libjpeg62-dev'

Try run 'python setup.py build_ext -f' to force setup.py to rebuild 
everything with JPEG. And 'sudo python setup.py install' should install 
PIL with JPEG support.

It should work on Ununtu 7.10 (works for me at least).

However, if you want Tkinter support, you should edit setup.py and change 
TCL_ROOT variable:
TCL_ROOT = '/usr/lib/tcl8.4', '/usr/include/tcl8.4'

And make sure that you have tcl/tk libraries/headers:
sudo apt-get install tcl8.4-dev tk8.4-dev


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