globalrev schrieb:
On 2 Maj, 18:13, "Diez B. Roggisch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
globalrev schrieb:

if pygame.key.get_pressed[K_a]:
            print "Muppet"
K_a is not defined.
but yes it is. why do i get this error?
No it isn't - otherwise you wouldn't get this error, wouldn't you?

What IS defined is


Or if you do

from pygame import K_a

then K_a is defined as well.


ok thanks
if (key.get_pressed[K_t] and key.get_pressed[K_f]):
     print "Yup!"

said int he tut it confused me.

anyway i changed it and the list or dict from keygetpressed is all
zeros but the K_a always is true whether i push it or not.

most probably because


is bogus. It's a method you need to call that returns a list of bools that are True for a given index if the key is pressed. Which the 97 is - an index to that.

Did you actually bother to read the docs?


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