On Thu, 01 May 2008 16:45:51 -0500, Robert Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> pyvtk is not the Python interface to VTK. It is for the
> creation of VTK files.  The vtk(1) command is a Tcl shell
> with the VTK libraries loaded (I believe).  Read the VTK
> documentation for information on the Tcl interface if you
> really want to use it. 

You're right: I don't really want to use it.

> The Python interface is also included in the VTK sources,
> although it might not have been built on your machine. You
> have to enable it when you build VTK itself. The Python
> interface is essentially the same as the C++
> interface. There are Python examples in the VTK source
> tree.

That's the ticket: I don't want to "import pyvtk", I
want to "import vtk" and ape /usr/share/vtk/.../*.py.


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