Hello, I have designed a script (in java) that allows me to input a command like "Move 325 642" and the mouse cursor will move to that x,y position. The way that the java program works is when it initializes it runs in a constant loop reading the input each time something is sent to it... Here is an example of how i run the script from the terminal: [code] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Workspace/Mouse/mouse/>java MouseMove Move 500 500 Click Left 1 1 Move 400 400 Click Right 1 1 Move 250 50 Click Left 2 2 Exit [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Workspace/Mouse/mouse/> [/code] Here is what happens:[quote] I typed: "Move 500 500" then hit enter The code: Moved the mouse to pos x,y. Then waited for more input I typed: "Click Left 1 1" then hit enter The code: Left Clicked at the current position once, with one ms of wait. Then waited for more input I typed: "Move 400 400" then hit enter The code: Moved the mouse to pos x,y. Then waited for more input I typed: "Click Right 1 1" then hit enter The code: Right Clicked at the current position once, with one ms of wait. Then waited for more input I typed: "Move 500 500" then hit enter The code: Moved the mouse to pos x,y. Then waited for more input I typed: "Click Left 2 2" then hit enter The code: Left Clicked at the current position twice (double click), with two ms of wait between each click. Then waited for More input I typed: "Exit" then hit enter The code: Quit the program[/quote] This is all done at the terminal though and i need to have it done through a python file. I'm aware that i will have to use os.popen but am unfamiliar with how it works. As an example could someone show me how to do this all in one "main.py" file. [code] import os #I know this will be needed class JavaClass(): def start(): #Start the java program def move(x,y): #move the mouse (Inputs "Move x y") def click(button, times, delay): #click the mouse (Inputs "Click button times delay") def close(): #Sends "Exit" to the program, ending it safely JavaFile = New JavaClass() JavaFile.start() #Will open up the java file, then waits for input JavaFile.move(500,500) #Input the following (exact same as above) JavaFile.click("Left", 1, 1) #Input the following (exact same as above) JavaFile.move(400,400) #Input the following (exact same as above) JavaFile.click("Right", 1, 1) #Input the following (exact same as above) JavaFile.move(250,50) #Input the following (exact same as above) JavaFile.click("Left", 2, 2) #Input the following (exact same as above) JavaFile.close() #Will send "Exit" to the program closing it [/code] Thank you very much for any help you are able to give me ~Cody Woolaver
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