> Unless I mix my psuedodicts with standard dicts
> in the same list, for example, or pass them to
> functions intended to accept any dict-like object,
> including the especially important case of standard
> dicts.
> Who knows?  Maybe I'm wrong about this being a much of
> problem. 

I think so. I expect that in the typical application, you either
won't notice the difference in behavior at all, or you get an
exception the first time, in which case you can easily adjust
the code to support both cases. This expectation is supported
by experience both from adjusting the Python standard library
itself, and from converting Django to Python 3.

In my experience (from the same applications), by far the most
significant change in Python 3 is the change to the meaning of
string literals, and the disposal of the 2.x str type.


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