It' s my faute that I have not read more deeply the Library Reference... In any case the time "wasted" in developping small applications to number lines and remove comments, triple quoted strings, multiline instructions etc. has been "useful" to learn the language... Now I already have the single tokens of a source saved in a file with the reference to the corresponding line number. An example is: 052 PROGNAME 052 sys.argv 052 0 053 AUTHOR 053 .encode 054 VERSION 056 URL_BASE 057 OUTPUT_HTML 058 OUTPUT_RSS 060 CSS 071 urllib.URLopener.version 072 urllib.FancyURLopener.prompt_user_passwd 072 lambda 072 self 072 host 072 realm 072 None 072 None 074 categories
The corresponding source is (from 052 PROGNAME = sys.argv[0] 053 AUTHOR = u'Iņigo Serna'.encode('utf-8') 054 VERSION = '0.3' 055 056 URL_BASE = '' 057 OUTPUT_HTML = 'news-%s-%s.html' 058 OUTPUT_RSS = 'news-%s-%s.xml' 059 060 CSS = """<style type="text/css"> 061 body { color: black; background: white; } 062 a { color : #003399; text-decoration : none; } 063 a:hover { color : #339900; text-decoration : none; } 064 a.main { font-size : 100%; } 065 span.text { font-size : 100%; } 066 { color : #666666; font-size : 80%; } 067 a.other { color : #003366; font-size : 75%; } 068 a.other:hover { color : #339900; font-size : 75%; } 069 </style>""" 070 071 urllib.URLopener.version = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; T312461)' 072 urllib.FancyURLopener.prompt_user_passwd = lambda self, host, realm: (None, None) 073 074 categories = ['w', 'n', 'b', 't', 's', 'e', 'm'] As you can see there are no literal strings nor comments (they are saved in an accompagning file). Now I have "only" to sort them, display in a table or (if you prefer) in an extended display in which all the references to lines are expanded... Of course many tokens (like for, in, if, not, etc.) will be eliminated for space reasons and also because I already know how they are used. I applied some years ago the same approach to understand an assembler source... In the case of python (and all others high level languages) it should be very useful also the function tree or flow chart... --