hellt skrev:

>> Most code is not like that so perhaps you should try something more
>> "usual" like sending email, fetching webpages etc. to get a feel for the
>> language.
> em, i would say, that python (esp. with NumPy+Psyco) is very popular
> in numerical processing also.

I know, and I might be way of, but I would believe that even that would
be more like stringing ready built modules together, calling methods etc.

I have written far denser code that the above example in Python
regularly. But It is like 1%-5% of my code I believe.

Unlike  the c family of languages where there is a lot more algorithms
due to the low level coding. Memory handling, list, dicts etc. qickly
becomes more like math algorithms than in Python.


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark

IT's Mad Science


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