On Apr 22, 3:25 am, azrael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hy guys, > A friend of mine i a proud PERL developer which always keeps making > jokes on python's cost. > > Please give me any arguments to cut him down about his commnets > like :"keep programing i python. maybe, one day, you will be able to > program in VisualBasic" > > This hurts. Please give me informations about realy famous > aplications.
Sage ( http://www.sagemath.org ) is a pretty large Python computer algebra system ( about 150,000 unique lines of Python and 75,000 unique lines of Cython as a rough estimate). Python turned out to be an _excellent_ language do this in since it allows for quick development time for many things that aren't speed dependent while allowing a seemless transition to fast code with Cython. --Mike -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list