Op Thu, 03 Apr 2008 00:06:34 -0700, schreef Dennis Lee Bieber:

> On Thu, 03 Apr 2008 03:37:43 GMT, Jan Claeys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> declaimed
> the following in comp.lang.python:
>> Later I learned C (and even later C++), and I've always been wondering
>> why those languages were making simple things so complicated...
>       Could it be that they are closer to being high-level assembly
> languages meant to get close to the hardware (especially of the PDP
> series that C originated on), whereas Pascal was designed to just be a
> language meant for teaching algorithms and programming, not originally
> intended for production efforts?

Pointers in Borland's Pascal (and FreePascal) are bare machine pointers, 
with optional typing for the referenced value; I've never seen anything 
you could do with C pointers that you couldn't do with Borland Pascal 
pointers.  (And I think the reason why pointers in C looked complicated 
is that the C syntax for pointers is inconsistent...)


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