On Apr 19, 1:08 am, Joseph Turian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How widely adopted is python 2.5?
> We are doing some development, and have a choice to make:
> a) Use all the 2.5 features we want.
> b) Maintain backwards compatability with 2.4.

There is another choice: Develop with future in mind because it's
possible that when you finished version 1, what seemed to be future
would become the present. This is especially if the project is big and
requires years to complete.

On Apr 19, 5:13 pm, Graham Breed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My web host uses 1.5.2.  That is painful.

If them using 1.5.2 is painful for you ask the host to install
something newer (AFAIK it is possible to run several python versions
side-by-side) or prepare yourself to move to other host.

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