On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 4:29 PM, globalrev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> type "python setup.py install"
>  that is used in most "addons" for python.
>  well using windows vista, where the h*** am i supposed to type this?
>  if it is not doable in windows, what do i have to do instead? just
>  clicking the setup.py-file never works.
>  --
>  http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

There are many problems with this on Vista.  First, you need a command
prompt.  You can go to "start menu->all programs->accessories->command
prompt" for this.  But to install things in vista, you will likely
need to be an administrator, and windows won't automatically ask for
permission when typing "python setup.py install."  So instead of
clicking on command prompt, right click it, and choose "run as
administrator".  A faster way is to type "cmd" in the start menu
search area, and wait for "cmd.exe" to come up.  Run that as

Once you have a command prompt, you can "cd" into the directory where
you want to install the extension.  Then, "c:\python25\python setup.py
install" should work.  If you are using 2.4 or 3.0, it would be
"c:\python24\python" or "c:\python30\python" etc.  If you installed
python somewhere other than the default folder, then you will need to
enter that path.

To make this process easier, when I want to install an extension, I
usually create a .bat file in the extension folder.  Right click in
the folder and choose new->text file.  Rename the file to
"install.bat".  Right click the file and go to edit.  Enter
"c:\python25\python setup.py install" into the file and save.  Then
right click and choose run as administrator, and it should install.
You might add a "pause" line in the bat file as well, so that if it
has a problem installing, it will stay open so you can see the output.

Your best solution is to uninstall vista and use linux :)

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