Diez B. Roggisch schrieb:
>> And I have been benefiting from Python in general, so far. Thanks,
>> community.
>> But now... I'll probably stop posting here for now, & I may stop other
>> things too.
>> Just my 2c.
> You know what I was just wondering about? All these C-written
> cross-platform libraries (which Python users benefit from, most probably
> including evven you) that run on different unixes & windows, which are a
> much greater diversity to handle than the not-even-yet-settled
> differences between Py3K & 2.x. How the heck do they do that?
> Oh, and these dreaded 64 bit processors, possibly with multi-cores,
> which need changes in code as well, to be utilized to their power.
> But then, these guys most probably don't whine about diversity and
> constant change, and cry out useless threats to people who probably
> can't care less.
> Fare well, if you must. But getting mad over something which impact you
> can't even judge right now is childish. Nothing else.
> Diez