Jumping Arne wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Apr 2008 12:21:13 +0200, Jumping Arne wrote
> (in article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>):
>> I'm going to try to write some imange manipulation code (scaling, reading 
>> EXIF and IPTC info) and just want to ask if PIL is *THE* library to use?
>> I looked at <http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/> and noticed that the 
>> latest version is from Dec 2006.
>> In my experience that means that either it's abandoned or that it's very 
>> good 
>> and stable.
> Sounds like PIL is a safe option, thanks.
Yes, certainly, PIL is the way to go.  But beyond that, if you are going 
to do any fancy manipulation of the array of pixels (e.g., image 
processing, image recognition, convolution, ...), then I'd recommend 
numpy for the array manipulation.  (And perhaps even the full-blown 
scipy.)  Numpy can easily access and manipulate the pixel arrays 
produced by PIL.  It's an awesome combination.

Gary Herron


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