Reckoner wrote:
> would it be possible to use one of an object's methods without
> initializing the object?
> In other words, if I have:
> class Test:
>   def __init__(self):
>       print 'init'
>   def foo(self):
>       print 'foo'
> and I want to use the foo function without hitting the
> initialize constructor function.
> Is this possible?

Yes. It is possible and it is called "class method". That is to say, it 
is a method bound to the class, and not to the class instances.
In pragmatic terms, class methods have three differences from instance 
   1) You have to declare a classmethod as a classmethod with the 
classmethod() function, or the @classmethod decorator.
   2) The first argument is not the instance but the class: to mark this 
clearly, it is usually named cls, instead of self.
   3) Classmethods are called with class objects, which looks like this: 

In your example, this becomes:

class Test(object):
    def __init__(self):
        print 'init'
    def foo(cls):
        print 'foo'

Now call foo without instantiating a Test:


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