Hello J, > Does anyone know how to get the version of an application on OS X (i.e. > the version string that appears in the "Version" field in the "Get Info" > window for an application)? > > I'm running OS 10.4.11, python 2.5.
#!/usr/bin/env python from xml.etree.cElementTree import iterparse from os.path import isfile def get_version(app): info_file = "/Applications/%s.app/Contents/Info.plist" % app if not isfile(info_file): raise KeyError("No version file found") get = 0 for event, element in iterparse(open(info_file)): if get: return element.text if (element.tag == "key") and (element.text == "CFBundleVersion"): get = 1 raise KeyError("Can't find CFBundleVersion key") if __name__ == "__main__": from sys import argv print get_version(argv[1]) HTH, -- Miki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://pythonwise.blogspot.com -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list