On Apr 11, 7:26 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers <bruno.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
> > Am I the only one that thinks this would be useful?  :)
> > I'd really like to be able to use python 3.0's print statement in
> > 2.x.
> <nitpick mode="pedantic">
> FWIW, the whole point is that in 3.0, print stop being a statement to
> become a function...
> </nitpick>

But the reason it becomes a function is because being a statement it
is inflexible and there is no way to pass arguments to the print
function, at the cost of extra typing of parentheses. I wish py3k
would make it an option whether to treat print as statement or
function though. Since not all programs require the power of print as
a function and having to type the extra parentheses is a bit tiring if
you're printing lots of things. Probably it may be coupled with a
translator (for source code from statement to function, since the
reverse would not be practical) if you changed your mind.

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