Vlastimil Brom wrote: > > 2008/4/12, Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>: > > Vlastimil Brom wrote: > > Hi all, > > I would like to ask about the usage of sqlite3 in python, more > > specifically about a way to pass table > > or column names to a SQL commands using parameters. > > > The thing that will stop you from using a tablename as an argument to a > parameterized query is that (the) front-ends (I am familiar with) don't > allow table names to be parameterized ... > > ... > > > regards > Steve > -- > Steve Holden +1 571 484 6266 +1 800 494 3119 > Holden Web LLC http://www.holdenweb.com/ > > ======================= > > Thank you very much for the explanation Steve! > I noticed the limitation, but wasn't sure, if if I wasn't missing > anything, as I don't have many experiences with databases (now I am > actually trying to reimplement, what was previously managed to with > nested dictionaries - hence I don't think, something more robust than > sqlite is appropriate). > But now I am not sure; are there any (security > ...) risks of using string interpolation for table and column names in the > SQL commands? Or > are the values, where parametrization (with ? in sqlite3) is supported, > the only vulnerable part; whereas eg. an incorrect value of what should > be a name is safe (of course, apart from the unsuccessful command itself)? > Ultimately that depends where the table and column names come from. If they are user inputs then you are still vulnerable to SQL injection, but usually that's not the case when a query is being parameterized - usually it's values.
As long as you consider the source of your data carefully you'll probably be OK. regards Steve -- Steve Holden +1 571 484 6266 +1 800 494 3119 Holden Web LLC http://www.holdenweb.com/ -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list