> Thanks a lot for the comments. So, I post the code, which should let  
> you recreate the circumstances. I'm on 10.5.2, python2.5 (from  
> Fink), and got SIP from FINK recently - should be the latest version.
> I know C++ to some extent - the linking is the hardest part for me  
> to grasp. I don't have a clear idea on how these things take place,  
> nor what all the words mean.
> ----------------------------
> word.h:
> ----------------------------
> // Define the interface to the word library.
> #ifndef _WORD_H_
> #define _WORD_H_
> class Word {
> public:
>    Word(const char *w);
>    char *reverse() const;
> private:
>    const char* the_word;
> };
> #endif /* _WORD_H_ */
> ----------------------------
> word.cpp:
> ----------------------------
> #include "word.h"
> Word::Word(const char *w)
> {
>    this->the_word = w;
> }
> char* Word::reverse() const
> {
>    return this->the_word;
> }
> ----------------------------
> word.sip:
> ----------------------------
> // Define the SIP wrapper to the word library.
> %Module word 0
> class Word {
> %TypeHeaderCode
> #include <word.h>
> %End
> public:
>    Word(const char *w);
>    char *reverse() const;
> };
> ----------------------------
> configure.py:
> ----------------------------
> import os
> import sipconfig
> # The name of the SIP build file generated by SIP and used by the  
> build
> # system.
> build_file = "word.sbf"
> # Get the SIP configuration information.
> config = sipconfig.Configuration()
> # Run SIP to generate the code.
> os.system(" ".join([config.sip_bin, "-c", ".", "-b", build_file,  
> "word.sip"]))
> # Create the Makefile.
> makefile = sipconfig.SIPModuleMakefile(config, build_file)
> # Add the library we are wrapping.  The name doesn't include any  
> platform
> # specific prefixes or extensions (e.g. the "lib" prefix on UNIX, or  
> the
> # ".dll" extension on Windows).
> makefile.extra_libs = ["word"]
> # Generate the Makefile itself.
> makefile.generate()
> ----------------------------
> As I said, the code is just from this example:
> http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/static/Docs/sip4/sipref.html#using-sip
> It is possible that this is not well suited for OSX. The makefile  
> generated includes the flag '-bundle' which, as far as I can tell,  
> is OSX specific. However, the 'TARGET' is 'word.so', which is not  
> 'libword.dylib'.
> Do you know a good web resource for learning the basics of linking?  
> Man pages are a bit brief for newbies.
> Cheers!
> Paul.
>> Not knowing C/C++ & linking is certainly something that will get you
>> when trying to wrap libs written in these languages.
>> I'm on OSX myself, and can say that as a unixish system, it is rather
>> friendly to self-compliation needs.
>> However, without having the complete sources & libs, I can't really
>> comment much - the only thing that is clear from above is that the
>> linker does not find the file
>> libword.dylib
>> which you of course need to have somewhere. The good news is that  
>> once
>> you've teached the linker where to find it (using LDFLAGS or other
>> means) you are (modulo debugging) done - SIP has apparently grokked  
>> your
>> .sip-file.
>> Of course you also must make the library available at runtime. So it
>> must be installed on a location (or that location given with
>> DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH) where the dynamic loader will find it.
>> Diez
>> -- 
>> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


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