
I tried to get started with Boost.Python. unfortunately I never used the 
bjam build system before. As it is explained in the documentation I tried 
to adapt the the files form the examples directory. I copied 'Jamroot', 
'boost_build.jam' and 'extending.cpp' to '~/test/'. But I am lost as to 
what to do now. The docu says I should adjust the 'use-project' path. But 
what to? I am using a Gentoo system, so there is no boost directory. The 
librarys are in /usr/lib/ the boost build stuff is in 
/usr/share/boost-build and the include files are in /usr/include/boost/.

If anyone could post minimal Jamroot & boost_build.jam files for this 
setting I would be realy grateful. I think I will be able to figure out 
everything else, once I have a working example.

Thanks in advance


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