here i didi it with pack() but when i try to use the answerwidget it gtes all f***** up. any suggestions?
from __future__ import division import Tkinter from Tkinter import * mygui = Tkinter.Tk() mygui.title("Calculator") ##l = Label(mygui, text="Answer: ") ##l.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=2) e = Entry(mygui) e.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=4) c = Entry(mygui) c.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=4) def Disp(nstr): e.insert(INSERT, nstr) def Calc(): expr=e.get() c.delete(0, END) try: c.insert(END, eval(expr)) except: c.insert(END, "Not computable") def Erase(): e.delete(0,END) c.delete(0, END) def Backspace(): a=len(e.get()) e.delete(a-1,END) #e.delete(INSERT, END) #e.delete(ANCHOR,END) x = 1 y = 4 for char in '123+456-789*0()/.': b = Button(mygui, text=char, command=lambda n=char:Disp(n), width=2, height=1) b.grid(row=y, column=x) x=x+1 if x==5: x=1 y=y+1 b = Button(mygui, text="^", command=lambda n="**":Disp(n), width=2, height=1) b.grid(row=8, column=2) b = Button(mygui, text="C",command=Erase, width=2, height=1) b.grid(row=8, column=3) b = Button(mygui, text="c",command=Backspace, width=2, height=1) b.grid(row=8, column=4) b = Button(mygui, text="=",command=Calc, width=18, height=1) b.grid(row=9, column=1, columnspan=8) mygui.mainloop() --