On 5 avr, 17:50, Jetus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a need for a database program. I downloaded the db2 from ibm,
> and reviewed some of the documentation.
> My question is, what is the easiest program for me to try to learn. I
> will be creating a database of about 25,000 records, it will be
> relational. I am a beginner Python programmer, and need a database
> solution that is easy to grasp. I played with sql,
> and found that very difficult, if not overly cumbersome.

The point is that so far, "relational database" really means "SQL
database". And believe me, trying to get away with a non-SQL database
only to avoid learning SQL is probably the worst possible move for
both your program and yourself.

> A database that could work with Django would be very interesting to
> look at as well..

The databases that the ORM part of Django can connect to are all SQL

> Any suggestions out there?

I can only second / third etc what everyone already told you : learn
SQL. And not only SQL, but also the theory that it builds upon (the
'relational model'), and the good practices wrt/ relational database
design. There's no shortage of good quality freely available
documentation on these topics, and you'll find help on quite a couple
of newsgroups / forums / whatever.

I'd strongly recommand you start without Django's ORM first, so you
get a chance to learn how it really works undercover. Else you might
end up doing things in a very inefficient way.

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